
the Basica

  Love, in its deepest and most spiritual form, is not an emotion, though its presence can certainly be felt emotionally and even physically. Affection is an emotion. Desire is an emotion. "In love" is an emotion. Love is that unfathomable motivation to be as good to and do as well for someone as we are able, even in those moments when that person is doing something we do not like or do not understand. It is different from a strict sense of obligation, an exchange in the sense of purchase, or the avoidance of whatever we may think will happen if we do less or otherwise. It overcomes anger, fear, and boredom. It is the prompt of good because it is good - of right for right's sake. It is justice to be just, fairness to be fair, kindness to be kind.

  Love is the right motivation for all things. It should work the greatest influence, in some way or another, over all our decisions. It should be our best reason for all that we do.

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