Final Resting of the Body:

Upon the death of a Consecrated Basican, if possible, the four candles used in the ceremony should be gathered, along with any special garment worn specifically for the ritual. The body may be dressed in the garment, or it may be placed with the body. If there is a consecration signifier instead of or in addition to the garment, it may be placed in the hand or upon the chest, draped from the belt, or otherwise appropriately positioned. For an unconsecrated Basican, a single gray, silver, or natural beeswax candle should be brought. Whether consecrated or not, if the person had a Basican compass, that should also be worn by or placed with the body. If there is more than one, the person may have made known in some way which one is preferred for this purpose. Otherwise, simply try to make the most considerate choice, giving preference (where appropriate) to the one used in consecration, if it can be found.

During the funeral, if there are four candles, they are to be arranged in a circle in their proper order and burned. This may be done with them surrounding the body and black at north or above the body, or they may b3e placed near the body with black at the top or far side of the circle. Anywhere near the body is appropriate if there is only a single candle. Whether one or four, if the candles do not burn out by the end of the service, they should be put out for transport and taken to the person's home, the home of a loved one, or to some other safe place (perhaps earlier specified by the person). Once there, they should be relit and allowed to burn until they naturally extinguish themselves while a vigil is kept. Loved ones may then keep the wax remains or respectfully dispose of them in a manner that honors the loved ones' loss without harming the Earth. If there is no one to take and tend the candles, they may simply be put with the body.

Loved ones may be unable to gather all items in time for the service. As needed, the body may be dressed in other clothes, another Basican compass may be put on or with the body, and four candles of the proper colors or natural beeswax may substitute at the funeral and vigil. If no Basican compass was worn in life, one need not be specially obtained to be worn in death unless previously requested. In the event that it can not be determined whether or not the person was consecrated, two beeswax candles may be used. They may be placed side by side near the body or at head and feet. (Consecration may simply have been a private matter. In that case, burning two candles honors that privacy.)

Candles that do not burn out in a single night may after that be put out when the mourners are ready and then treated as though they had burned out. They may also be burned upon one or more important occasions such as anniversaries of the person's death or birth. Likewise for candles discovered too late for service and vigil, provided it can be determined with certainty that they are, in fact, the person's consecration candles. As they reach their ends, new candles of the same colors (or of beeswax) may even be lit from the flames of the old if desired. This may also be done if candles burn down too quickly at the funeral for a vigil to be kept with them. Basican Compasses, consecration garments, and consecration signifiers not put with their owners may be kept with the candles or handled in some other respectful manner.

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